Attorney Referrals > New Jersey > Drunk Driving Law > GREGGORY M. MAROOTIAN


154 South Livingston Avenue, Suite 101
Livingston, NJ 07039
Contact: Greggory M. Marootian
(973) 994-3732
Fax: (973) 994-2239


Being arrested or ticketed has likely left you shocked, embarrassed, and nervous. You are probably experiencing anxiety over the court process, potential loss of your license, your ability to work and care for your family, fines, increased insurance rates, and (in some cases) jail.

Greggory M. Marootian, Esq. is a New Jersey Municipal Court & DWI Specialist, not a general practitioner, not a proverbial “jack of all trades.” Mr. Marootian is one of the first group of 21 NJ lawyers (of approximately 70,000 licensed NJ lawyers) to become Certified by the New Jersey Supreme Court as a Municipal Court Attorney, a recognized NJ Municipal Court & DWI Specialist. Mr. Marootian has achieved a SUPERB (10) rating.

Mr. Marootian received his B.A. (Psychology, Magna Cum Laude) in 1987 from Fairleigh Dickinson University, where he was a member of the National Honor Society in Psychology. In 1986, as an undergraduate, Mr. Marootian attended Harvard University (Summer Program) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he studied the Interaction between Law & Psychology. He received his Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree in 1990 from Seton Hall University School of Law.

Lawyers are trained to be objective and detached. While it is critical to have technical expertise, lawyers represent people, they do not merely handle a case or represent a client. A lawyer’s moral obligation to a client extends from providing excellent legal representation to caring for the person – the human being the lawyer is entrusted to represent. I take an empathetic and humanistic view of the practice of law and my clients.